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Land Management

We try to be good stewards of the land and water on our farm.

Broad Run

Can you spot the owl?

Winter Moon Farm is in the Broad Run watershed of Floyds Fork which is an important wildlife and migratory bird corridor and one of the healthier streams in Jefferson County.


We know that agricultural and equine uses can sometimes transfer contaminants from manure and eroded soil into the stream, degrading water quality and impacting fish, birds and aquatic insects.


So, we manage the farm to prevent these pollutants from reaching the streams and to protect and improve habitat.


Some of the strategies we use:

  • vegetative buffers along the waterways

  • composting manure

  • rotate grazing in paddocks and pasture to prevent over-grazing

  • limited turn-out in grass paddocks when the ground is wet so hooves don't damage turf and create soil erosion.


Woodland and meadow management practices to improve ecological health and wildlife habitat:

  • removal of invasive plants like bush honeysuckle, burning bush and tree of heaven

  • encourage native plants such as wildflowers that attract bees, butterflies and other pollinator species.

  •  history:

Floyds Fork

Automatic waterer.

Construction of dry lots.


NRCS assisting us with soil analysis.



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